20101203 42.195km at Sg [5h02m57s] - What a run. =)Ranking 2288
10.0k 01:05:28
21.1k 02:14:22
21.5k 02:15:44
30.0k 03:24:04
42.195k 05:02:57 (Finish time)
20101125 12.8km at Kch [65m04s] - train stamina, max average speed?
round1 1.6 - about 7mins;
round2 3.2 - about 8mins;
round3 4.8 - about 9mins;
round4 6.4 - about 9mins;
round5 8.0 - about 8mins;
round6 9.6 - about 8mins;
round7 11.2 - about 8mins;
round8 12.8 - about 8mins. roughly estimate.
20101114 12.8km at Kch [67m19s] - train stamina, max average speed?
20101112 12.8km at Kch [73m16s] - train stamina, 8 rounds.
20101106 6.4km at Kch [31m24s] - train stamina, sick, didn't want to risk it.
20101102 11.2km at Kch [58m24s] - Need to train stamina.
20101026 4.5km at Kch [23m35s] - REStart training
20101010 30km NEWTON run [3h21m38s] - Pos 553/1280
Next work out will increase to 14.4km (x9), 14.4km, 17km(x11), 17km, 20km(x13), 20km. dunno have time to complete it or not. hope for the best.
20101001 8.0km at Kch [43m11s] - add 500gx2, tough, didn't want to risk it.
20100928 11.2km at Kch [56m10s] - Ran fast, kena chased by some ahpek.
20100926 11.2km at Kch [58m20s] - OK, take deep long breath.
20100924 11.2km at Kch [58m19s] - Right knee "jerky".
20100919 11.2km at Kch [60m47s] - OK, take deep long breath.
20100911 12.8km at Kch [80m54s] - Left knee stunted, right knee ok, ankles ok. went for breakfast 30min after, nearly puke. hmm... almost there.
20100909 11.2km at Kch [61m01s] - Right knee "jerky", left thigh like wanna cramp 10km, next 14.4km (x9).
20100907 11.2km at Kch [67m15s] - Right knee a bit "jerky" feeling, next 11.2km (x7).
20100906 ?.?km at Kch - ran non-stop about 40mins.
20100903 8.0km at Kch - Stopped for too long, ran all the way, next 11.2km (x7).
20100818 11.2km at the canal - Cramp feeling at 8.4. slowed down, under control.
20100815 8.0km at Kch - Stopped for too long, tired run. :p
20100801 8.0km at Kch - Lethargy kicked in at 4km. Not enough water.
20100730 8.0km at Kch - No more cramp feeling :-) non stop pace, keep left, fast right.
20100724 11.2km at the canal - No more cramp feeling.
20100710 5.6km at the canal+STKP special - Severe fatigue, but best workout so far
20100624 6 rounds open field - 3 clock+3 anticlock-wise need one round to get use to route w b
20100614 6 rounds open field - 3 clock+3 anticlock-wise need one round to get use to route
20100612 9.6km at the canal - Left thigh feels like want to cramp but getting better
20100609 4 rounds neighbourhood - Left thigh feels like want to cramp after 2nd round
20100608 4 rounds neighbourhood +weight - Started after a long stop