Saturday, August 16, 2008

20080817: Running

woke up quite early, took a bath, left house around 7:06am (time on my watch), around 7:32 reach meet up place, run out of gas at 8:06am.
some pictures:
Morning Mist 1:
Morning Mist2:
Fishing across.
Drift Wood:
R on the Beach.


Tamages said...

the fisherman picture looks great, the shadow in the water looks very artistic.

and i think there was somtin wrong with the meet up timing, I recalled not that late though...

LTeo said...

oh, i'm following the time on my watch, which seems to be running faster and faster. :-).... hope to get more great photoshoot. you should take out your camera to shoot shoot sometime too. :-)

Tamages said...

my current camera weight like a rock, big like a brick...i wondering how to bring it next week for shooting.